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niedziela, 21 października 2012

Elephant Opinions - Live at .aorte Fest (17.03.2012)

Created in September 2008. The original lineup - Alex (vocals), Peter and Max (guitar), Bodean (bass), Vova (drums). The first performance - Kiev @ Ledoviy / November 29, 2008. In December 2009, released Elephant Opinions / oh, deer! Split (Something Borrowed Something New Records). After the release lineup sustained change - came Oleg (drums) and Dima (guitar), instead of Vova and Max, respectively. Song of the split came into screamo / punk compilation 21 Songs Compilation, which was published first in Australia in February 2011 and is now distributed in the Internet and small diy-circulation in the participating teams compiled. Two years after the split, December 25, 2011 the world saw the second release - Dancing On Corpses' Ashes, a tribute to singer Alex Shevchuk.

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