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środa, 27 czerwca 2012

PESTPOCKEN - Live in Wien

Pestpocken is an Street Punk band from Germany. The band is a less-popular band that is more regionally known around the German state of Hessen, where they originally are from.
Founded in 1997, the original band members were Andrea (guitars and vocals), Danny (guitars and vocals), Mirmo (bass guitar), and Stine (drums). As the band's website states, they "started the band due to free concert visits, chronical boredom and uncontrolled aggression, we turned Stine's bedroom into the band's practicing room to once again tyrannize the neighborhood." The band's practicing room moved a few times, until it was finally moved into a bunker/cellar of an empty, worn-down apartment, called the AK 44.Pestpocken is mainly inspired by many German anarcho-punk bands, and the hardcore punk rock of the 1982's. Their songs are mainly about them being fed up with the government, as one song states "Dieser Staat muss Sterben!" (This state must die!). They have also toured with more known bands such as the Casualties in 2000 and Dead End Boys in 2006. The band was also in the German punk video "Chaostage" (Chaotic days).

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