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poniedziałek, 31 grudnia 2012
April - Białystok ''DE CENTRUM'' 07.02.04
wtorek, 25 grudnia 2012
Sanctus Iuda - Ciechanowiec 10.09.95
Zespół powstal w 1995 roku w podziemiach klubu ACK w Bialymstoku. Trzon projektu od samego poczatku tworzyli: Wojtek (voc), Marcin (Pryszcz) a.k.a KontrKalczer Sound System (git. bass./voc.,) Adam (Jasiek) (git)(Złodzieje Rowerów). Na perkusji grali:Lis(p0czątek -obecnie NOVEMBER ), Orzeł (także Złodzieje Rowerów i April ), Borek (ŚP), Byczek, Mila(większość koncertów). Na drugim wokalu rowniez udzielaly sie dziewczyny: Ulka (pierwsze demo/LP) i Miśka (pierwszy singiel). ‘’Nie Bądż Bierny’’ pierwszy zarejestrowany i wydany utwór ( kompilacja 7’’ ‘’I Slaughter…’’ Finlandia ), pierwsza kaseta ‘’ Rząd-Korporacje-(Wy)Zysk’’ 04.1995 wydana dla własnej wytwórni , kaseta- benefit na ANARCHIST BLACK CROSS (Polska) , wydana przez czeską wytwórnie Malarie Rec.-czerwiec 1996 ( już w innym składzie ), ’ split singiel z fińskim Sharpeville, split singiel z angielskim Sarcasm ‘’Jezus kocha tylko biednych…’‘, split singiel z meksykańskim Regeneracion split singiel z angielskim Dog on a Rope -1997, longplay 12’’ z materiałem z pierwszego demo ‘’Rząd…’’ wydany przez Scream Rec.( Gdańsk). mini CD ‘’Jap Press’’ wydany w Japonii dla tamtejszej filii ‘’Profane Existence’‘, Inne znane publikacje to : utwory na 12’’ skladaki wydane w Mexyku i Niemczech, cover Chaos UK na kompilację ‘’Slyszałeś to już wcześniej’‘, utwór z ostatniej trasy koncertowej z 98 roku na kompakt ‘’NOC WALPURGII’’ ( Refuse rec.i Emancypunx ) , split koncert z Juggling Juggulars wydany w Finlandii , ,kaseta-benefit dla R.G.A.F.’‘Wiedżma’’ .
poniedziałek, 24 grudnia 2012
niedziela, 23 grudnia 2012
Die Kreuzen - Milwaukee Cable TV 1983
Formed in Milwaukee, WI, in the early '80s, Die Kreuzen took equal parts of heavy metal and hardcore punk as its inspiration, producing some of the more challenging indie rock of the period and in many ways anticipating the grunge rock sound of the '90s. The band consisted of Dan Kubinski (vocals), Brian Egeness (guitar), Keith Brammer (bass), and Eric Tunison (drums). After signing to Touch & Go in 1984, they continued a move from hardcore into a more traditional hard rock sound. ~ Chris Woodstra, Rovi
piątek, 21 grudnia 2012
niedziela, 16 grudnia 2012
Deviated Instinct - Burladingen, Germany 23.10.88
Deviated Instinct, formed in 1984, was a pioneering British crust punk / metal band. Their first EP, Welcome to the Orgy, was released by Peaceville Records, which released the majority of their albums. The band disbanded in 1991: Snapa and Mid are currently involved with Bait, and Leggo was involved with Filthkick who did a split with the crustgrind pioneers Extreme Noise Terror. The band reunited in late 2007.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
sobota, 15 grudnia 2012
piątek, 14 grudnia 2012
Dead Kennedys - Olympic Auditorium, L.A. 6.1.84
Dead Kennedys merged revolutionary politics with hardcore punk music and, in the process, became one of the defining hardcore bands. Often, they were more notable for their politics than their music, but that was part of their impact. The Kennedys were more inspired by British punk and the fiery, revolutionary-implied politics of Sex Pistols than the artier tendencies of New York punk rockers. Under the direction of lead vocalist Jello Biafra, Dead Kennedys became the most political and -- to the eyes of many observers, including Christians and right-wing politicians -- the most dangerous band in hardcore. By the mid-'80s, the band had become notorious enough to open themselves up to a prosecution for obscenity (concerning a poster inserted into their 1985 Frankenchrist album), and the ensuing court battle sped the band toward a breakup, but they left behind a legacy that influenced countless punk bands that followed.
Dead Kennedys formed in 1978 in San Francisco when Biafra (vocals; born ERIC BOUCHER) and bassist Klaus Flouride responded to a magazine ad placed by guitarist East Bay Ray. Drummer Ted (born Bruce Slesinger) joined soon after and the band played locally for the first two years of their career, occasionally venturing outside the Bay Area. Within a year, the band released their first independent single, "California Über Alles," an attack on the then-current governor, Jerry Brown. It was followed shortly afterward by their second single, "Holiday in Cambodia." In 1979, Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco; he finished fourth. By this time, the band had become quite popular in both the American and British underground. Finally, in 1980, the band released their debut album, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, on IRS Records. After its release, Ted left the band; he was replaced by drummer Darren H. Peligro.
Following the release of Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Dead Kennedys formed their own independent record label, Alternative Tentacles, in 1981. The first release on the label was The Kennedys' EP, In God We Trust. That same year, the single "Too Drunk to Fuck" scraped the bottom of Britain's pop Top 40, despite being banned from airplay. In 1982, The Kennedys released their second full-length album, Plastic Surgery Disasters. After its release, the band took a hiatus, during which bandmembers -- most notably Klaus Flouride -- performed with various side projects. During that time, Alternative Tentacles began to establish itself as a major force in the American underground.
Dead Kennedys returned in 1985 with Frankenchrist, which was the record that earned the band its greatest notoriety. Included with the album was a poster of the Swiss artist H.R. Giger's "Landscape #XX", a garish illustration of penises and anuses. A year after the release of the album, The Kennedys and Alternative Tentacles were prosecuted under revised Californian anti-obscenity laws for distributing pornography to minors because of the poster. For the next two years, the band was embroiled in a bitter legal battle, during which Biafra emerged as one of the most articulate advocates for free speech and vocal opponents of the PMRC. In the summer of 1987, the case ended with a hung jury and was dismissed.
Although Dead Kennedys emerged victorious from the court battle, they didn't remain a band for much longer. Just before the prosecution began in 1986, the band released Bedtime for Democracy, which turned out to be their last official album. After the case was settled, The Kennedys split, releasing the posthumous compilation Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death in 1987. Biafra embarked on a solo career, releasing musical and spoken-word recordings sporadically over the next couple decades. Flouride returned to his fledgling solo career, releasing two albums in the late '80s and early '90s. The DVD format of Dmpo's On Broadway, Dead Kennedys' June 1984 performance marking the closing of San Francisco's avant-garde theater and nightclub, was released in May 2000. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi
czwartek, 13 grudnia 2012
niedziela, 9 grudnia 2012
Fort BS - Szklarska Poręba 28.08.93
Zespół FORT BS powstał w roku 1983 kiedy to w głowach muzyków urodziła się idea skomentowania słowem i dźwiękiem otaczającej rzeczywistości. Rok 1984 to pierwsze lokalne koncerty oraz pierwszy mały sukces na FMR JAROCIN 84, gdzie po raz drugi kapela gra następnego roku. Zgodnie z zasadą „do trzech razy sztuka” FORT BS bierze udział w FMR JAROCIN 86 i zostaje jednym z laureatów, otrzymuje też nagrodę od władz Jarocina.
czwartek, 6 grudnia 2012
Psy Wojny - Niezidentyfikowany koncert
Swietna kapelka,która powstała w maju 1985 roku w Jastrzębiu Zdroju...
Swoją największą popularność mieli w latach 90tych wydali wtedy album Demokracja,na którym znajdują się takie hity jak Szpaner,Demokracja,Pieski małe dwa potem wychodzi jeszcze ballada o barze relax,kasetka z okazji 10 lecia zespołu oraz albumik heretyk gdzie kapelka zaczeła grać zdecydowanie mocniej ...
poniedziałek, 3 grudnia 2012
niedziela, 2 grudnia 2012
Alians - Piła 17.06.99
Alians - polski zespół punkowy, powstały w 1990 roku w Pile.
Alians wykonuje dość oryginalną mieszankę muzyki punk, hardcore, folk, reggae i ska, która zyskała miano "pilskiego brzmienia" (inaczej punky reggae). W instrumentarium Aliansu występuje nietypowy na scenie punk instrument - akordeon.
W tekstach Aliansu przeważa tematyka społeczna, na początku kariery inspirowana przede wszystkim ideologią anarchistyczną (widoczne wpływy myśli Bakunina), obecnie rewolucyjnymi ruchami latynoskimi.
W 1999 roku grupa wsparła antyrasistowską kampanię Muzyka przeciwko rasizmowi, firmowanej przez Stowarzyszenie Nigdy Więcej[1].
Do najbardziej znanych piosenek grupy Alians należą: Bomby domowej roboty (pierwsza wersja na płycie Mega Yoga, na płycie Gavroche z linią melodyczną piosenki The Guns of Brixton The Clash), Ulica, Nic do stracenia, Gangstap, Podejrzliwi i wściekli, Żywi ludzie, Co mnie obchodzi, Sprawa, Leave My Business.
sobota, 1 grudnia 2012
Misfits - Northampton Community College Arts Center, Bethlehem, PA 29.10.82
The Misfits (przedimek 'the' używany był tylko w początkowej fazie) – amerykański zespół punkrockowy (prekursor horror punku) założony w roku 1977 w Lodi w stanie New Jersey przez wokalistę Glenna Danziga i basistę Jerry'ego Only.
Za nazwę rozmiłowanym w punk rocku i horrorach młodzieńcom posłużyła nazwa ostatniego filmu z udziałem Marilyn Monroe Skłóceni z życiem. Pierwszy koncert The Misfits odbył się 18 kwietnia 1977 w znanym klubie w Nowym Jorku – CBGB. Skład zespołu, co jakiś czas ulegał zmianie, głównie po tym jak Glenn robił "czystki" w zespole. Zespół rozpadł się w Halloween roku 1983, kiedy to odbył się jego ostatni koncert. Przez 9 lat Jerry walczył z Glenem o prawa do nazwy. W 1995 roku udało mu się z Danzigiem wygrać. Od tej pory Jerry mógł używać nazwy, a Glenn zachował prawa do starszych utworów zespołu. Do zespołu obok Jerry'ego i Doyle'a (gitara, brat Jerry'ego) znaleźli się Michale Graves (śpiew) oraz Dr. Chud (perkusja). Po odejściu z zespołu Gravesa i Dr.Chuda w 2000 roku oraz Doyle'a w roku 2002, Jerry zaprosił do współpracy Deza Cadenę z Black Flag (gitara) oraz Marky'ego Ramone'a z Ramones (perkusja), a wokal (oraz niezmiennie bas) powierzył samemu sobie. W 2005 roku funkcję perkusisty ponownie objął ROBO, który grał z The Misfits w latach 1982-83.
Styl gry Misfits stanowi groteskowe połączenie klasycznego punk rocka w stylu Ramones, psychodelicznych niekiedy zaśpiewek Iggy'ego Popa i chaosu właściwego grupie The Sex Pistols. Teksty nawiązują na ogół do motywów z horrorów czy surrealistycznych sytuacji. Na scenie towarzyszą temu ostre efekty świetlne i kłęby dymu. Wrażenie robi także oryginalny, nieco gotycki image zespołu – ciemne, skórzane stroje, rękawice, obroże i inne części stroju zaopatrzone w kolce. Członkowie zespołu nosili także charakterystyczne grzywki zwane "devilockami" i makijaż rodem z horrorów.
Crimson Ghost Skull – to symbol The Misfits, a zarazem symbol rock'n'rolla. Ta piracka czaszka, obok języka Rolling Stonesów i motocyklowych kurtek Ramones weszła na stałe do młodzieżowej kultury jako symbol, który stał się charakterystyczny już nie tylko dla tego zespołu, ale dla rocka.
Zespół miał i ma wielu oddanych fanów, którzy uwielbiają ich bezgranicznie. Wystarczy wspomnieć tylko Metallikę, która już za pośrednictwem Cliffa Burtona (nosił koszulki z Crimson Ghost Skull oraz miał na ramieniu taki tatuaż) wskazywała swoją fascynację (coverując także kilka piosenek Misfits). W 2006 roku, zespół Red Hot Chili Peppers na teledysku Dani California promującym swą nową płytę podczas drugiego refrenu ucharakteryzowany był właśnie na zespół Misfits.
piątek, 23 listopada 2012
Crumbsuckers - CBGB's 27.04.86
Like New York City contemporaries such as Agnostic Front and the Cro-Mags, the Crumbsuckers were one of the original purveyors of 1980s crossover: the bridging of metal and hardcore that temporarily united the two divergent tribes of metalheads and punks into one bloody unified mosh pit. Getting their start in 1983, the band were soon an integral part of New York's Lower East Side-based hardcore scene, cutting their teeth at the legendary dive A7 before moving on to CBGB's famed Sunday matinees, as they and the movement gained strength. Come 1986, the Crumbsuckers consisted of vocalist Chris Notaro (ex-Krackdown), guitarists Dave Wynn and Chuck Lenihan, bassist Gary Meskil, and drummer Dan Richardson, and delivered their Life of Dreams debut into a peaking crossover craze. A strong if rather conventional example of the genre, Life of Dreams featured a wall of razor-sharp thrash guitars, manic drum work, and punk-grown social and political criticism, culminating in the standout "Super Tuesday," which criticizes the 1984 presidential election. Unfortunately, the Crumbsuckers would soon fall afoul of their fans (as did Agnostic Front around the same time) by delving too deeply in heavy metal with their 1988 sophomore release Beast on My Back (aka "B.O.M.B."), featuring shred-happy new guitarist Robert Koebler. This effort, with its longer songs and blatant metallic overkill, wound up alienating most of their longtime hardcore followers and the band was frankly dead on arrival by the time they hit the road with yet another new guitarist in former Carnivore Marc Piovanetti. In the end, even more than their hit-and-miss albums, the Crumbsuckers' lasting legacy may well have been the numerous bands which later sprung up from their ruin. Meskil and Richardson went on to found post-hardcore metallers Pro-Pain, and the latter eventually also did time with Life of Agony and Stereomud, while LENIHAN landed with S&M crew the Genitorturers a few years later. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia, Rovi
poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2012
niedziela, 18 listopada 2012
sobota, 27 października 2012
Flipside Video Fanzine Vol. 10
Government Issue, Radwaste, Corrosion Of Conformity, Raszebrae, 7 Seconds, Sin 34, Necros, Frightwig, Big Stick, and Grim
piątek, 26 października 2012
Dead Kennedys - Brixton London 1982
Dead Kennedys merged revolutionary politics with hardcore punk music and, in the process, became one of the defining hardcore bands. Often, they were more notable for their politics than their music, but that was part of their impact. The Kennedys were more inspired by British punk and the fiery, revolutionary-implied politics of Sex Pistols than the artier tendencies of New York punk rockers. Under the direction of lead vocalist Jello Biafra, Dead Kennedys became the most political and -- to the eyes of many observers, including Christians and right-wing politicians -- the most dangerous band in hardcore. By the mid-'80s, the band had become notorious enough to open themselves up to a prosecution for obscenity (concerning a poster inserted into their 1985 Frankenchrist album), and the ensuing court battle sped the band toward a breakup, but they left behind a legacy that influenced countless punk bands that followed.
Dead Kennedys formed in 1978 in San Francisco when Biafra (vocals; born ERIC BOUCHER) and bassist Klaus Flouride responded to a magazine ad placed by guitarist East Bay Ray. Drummer Ted (born Bruce Slesinger) joined soon after and the band played locally for the first two years of their career, occasionally venturing outside the Bay Area. Within a year, the band released their first independent single, "California Über Alles," an attack on the then-current governor, Jerry Brown. It was followed shortly afterward by their second single, "Holiday in Cambodia." In 1979, Biafra ran for mayor of San Francisco; he finished fourth. By this time, the band had become quite popular in both the American and British underground. Finally, in 1980, the band released their debut album, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, on IRS Records. After its release, Ted left the band; he was replaced by drummer Darren H. Peligro.
Following the release of Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, Dead Kennedys formed their own independent record label, Alternative Tentacles, in 1981. The first release on the label was The Kennedys' EP, In God We Trust. That same year, the single "Too Drunk to Fuck" scraped the bottom of Britain's pop Top 40, despite being banned from airplay. In 1982, The Kennedys released their second full-length album, Plastic Surgery Disasters. After its release, the band took a hiatus, during which bandmembers -- most notably Klaus Flouride -- performed with various side projects. During that time, Alternative Tentacles began to establish itself as a major force in the American underground.
Dead Kennedys returned in 1985 with Frankenchrist, which was the record that earned the band its greatest notoriety. Included with the album was a poster of the Swiss artist H.R. Giger's "Landscape #XX", a garish illustration of penises and anuses. A year after the release of the album, The Kennedys and Alternative Tentacles were prosecuted under revised Californian anti-obscenity laws for distributing pornography to minors because of the poster. For the next two years, the band was embroiled in a bitter legal battle, during which Biafra emerged as one of the most articulate advocates for free speech and vocal opponents of the PMRC. In the summer of 1987, the case ended with a hung jury and was dismissed.
Although Dead Kennedys emerged victorious from the court battle, they didn't remain a band for much longer. Just before the prosecution began in 1986, the band released Bedtime for Democracy, which turned out to be their last official album. After the case was settled, The Kennedys split, releasing the posthumous compilation Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death in 1987. Biafra embarked on a solo career, releasing musical and spoken-word recordings sporadically over the next couple decades. Flouride returned to his fledgling solo career, releasing two albums in the late '80s and early '90s. The DVD format of Dmpo's On Broadway, Dead Kennedys' June 1984 performance marking the closing of San Francisco's avant-garde theater and nightclub, was released in May 2000. ~ Stephen Thomas Erlewine, Rovi
Waytaker - Live at .aorte Fest (17.03.2012)
A young group from Mukachevo, which plays an emotional punk rock in the spirit of Daylight, Texas Is The Reason, Small Brown Bike, Make Do And Mend, Hot Water Music etc.
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czwartek, 25 października 2012
Deviated Instinct - Newcastle 1987
Deviated Instinct, formed in 1984, was a pioneering British crust punk / metal band. Their first EP, Welcome to the Orgy, was released by Peaceville Records, which released the majority of their albums. The band disbanded in 1991: Snapa and Mid are currently involved with Bait, and Leggo was involved with Filthkick who did a split with the crustgrind pioneers Extreme Noise Terror. The band reunited in late 2007.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
poniedziałek, 22 października 2012
Салют - Live at .aorte Fest (17.03.2012)
Yanka Salut (Салют) was born in Mariupol, Ukraine. She currently resides in Kiev, St.Petersburg and Moscow, Russia. She plays guitar, performs her own songs, as well as some Russian, English and French songs.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
niedziela, 21 października 2012
Elephant Opinions - Live at .aorte Fest (17.03.2012)
Created in September 2008. The original lineup - Alex (vocals), Peter and Max (guitar), Bodean (bass), Vova (drums). The first performance - Kiev @ Ledoviy / November 29, 2008. In December 2009, released Elephant Opinions / oh, deer! Split (Something Borrowed Something New Records). After the release lineup sustained change - came Oleg (drums) and Dima (guitar), instead of Vova and Max, respectively. Song of the split came into screamo / punk compilation 21 Songs Compilation, which was published first in Australia in February 2011 and is now distributed in the Internet and small diy-circulation in the participating teams compiled. Two years after the split, December 25, 2011 the world saw the second release - Dancing On Corpses' Ashes, a tribute to singer Alex Shevchuk.
sobota, 20 października 2012
Dag Nasty - C C Community Center Philadelphia 13.2.86
Brian Baker, formerly of Minor Threat, formed Dag Nasty with Colin Sears, Roger Marbury and Shawn Brown in 1985. Shawn's replacement on vocals (by ex- DYS frontman Dave Smalley) shortly before the recording of their debut full-length, Can I Say, began a revolving door membership that was to continue throughout their duration as a band (ultimately leaving Brian as the only original member.) Dag Nasty recorded Can I Say in June 1986, and Wig Out at Denkos in July 1987, for Dischord Records before moving to Giant Records for the release of Field Day in 1988. The Can I Say line-up reformed in 1992 to record Four on the Floor for Epitaph Records and again in 2002 to record a full-length for Revelation Records. In 1991, Dischord combined the Can I Say and Wig Out LPs onto one maxi-CD. Dischord re-mastered both records in 2003 and re-released them back onto two separate CDs, both including extra live and unreleased tracks.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
Dag Nasty - Fenders Long Beach C.A. 27.3.87
Brian Baker, formerly of Minor Threat, formed Dag Nasty with Colin Sears, Roger Marbury and Shawn Brown in 1985. Shawn's replacement on vocals (by ex- DYS frontman Dave Smalley) shortly before the recording of their debut full-length, Can I Say, began a revolving door membership that was to continue throughout their duration as a band (ultimately leaving Brian as the only original member.) Dag Nasty recorded Can I Say in June 1986, and Wig Out at Denkos in July 1987, for Dischord Records before moving to Giant Records for the release of Field Day in 1988. The Can I Say line-up reformed in 1992 to record Four on the Floor for Epitaph Records and again in 2002 to record a full-length for Revelation Records. In 1991, Dischord combined the Can I Say and Wig Out LPs onto one maxi-CD. Dischord re-mastered both records in 2003 and re-released them back onto two separate CDs, both including extra live and unreleased tracks.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
piątek, 19 października 2012
Death Sentence - Helter Skelter Club, St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia 15.6.84
Death Sentence were on the forefront of Vancouver punk's second wave during the mid eighties. Their sound, which crossed British punk and Metal with DOA-style hardcore, made them a popular live act not only in the Pacific Northwest, but across Canada. The band's two albums, Not A Pretty Sight and Stop Killing Me have sold an impressive 60,000 copies, even though they've never been re-issued on CD. To this day, they are still trying to retain the rights to their back catalog from the now bankrupt Fringe records. Death Sentence disbanded in 1991 but reformed last year with a new singer to replace Pete Cleaver, who died of a drug overdose in the mid-nineties.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
czwartek, 18 października 2012
Deviated Instinct - The Barn, Norwich 30.3.87
Deviated Instinct, formed in 1984, was a pioneering British crust punk / metal band. Their first EP, Welcome to the Orgy, was released by Peaceville Records, which released the majority of their albums. The band disbanded in 1991: Snapa and Mid are currently involved with Bait, and Leggo was involved with Filthkick who did a split with the crustgrind pioneers Extreme Noise Terror. The band reunited in late 2007.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
środa, 17 października 2012
Extreme Noise Terror - Burladingen, Germany 19.2.88
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wtorek, 16 października 2012
piątek, 12 października 2012
czwartek, 11 października 2012
Electro Hippies - Leeds 29.10.88
Electro Hippies was a proto-grindcore/crust hardcore punk band formed out of Liverpool, United Kingdom in 1985. Though they were short lived and underground all through their career, their music has influenced many future crust punk bands and hardcore punk bands. They also played what would soon be known as grindcore (Napalm Death would later be the "innovators" of the genre). The band relied heavily on low bass end sounds to create their low-fi, primitive-produced music. The band strongly embraced the D.I.Y. (do it yourself) ethic which was very common among many early crust punk bands. The Electro Hippies were most notable for including Jeff Walker (guitar, vocals) in their ranks. He later would join extreme metal band Carcass. When Jeff joined Carcass full time, Simon (drums) and Andy (guitar) assumed vocal duties in the band. Eventually, the band split up sometime in 1989, playing one last gig and releasing the show as their final album. After the split, guitarist / vocalist Andy Barnard resurrected his band Nightmare Visions.
User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License and may also be available under the GNU FDL.
poniedziałek, 8 października 2012
sobota, 6 października 2012
Berurier Noir - ''Transmusicales'' Rennes 1986
Bérurier noir is a French punk band formed in Paris in 1983 by Loran (guitar), François (vocals) and Dédé (drum machine). They called themselves "noir" (black) for the color of mourning (because their first concert was planned to be also their last) and for anarchy and "Bérurier" after the character from the novels of Frédéric Dard. Instead of being an end, the success of their first show inspired them to continue. A cult band, Bérurier Noir were loved by a generation of youth and feared by concert organisers for the riots that followed their shows.
On the one hand, Bérurier Noir's music was clearly derived from British punk rock as far as music and lyrics were concerned. Most of their songs were short, aggressive and usually based on a couple of basic power chords. Their lyrics reflected the typical concerns of punks such as the rejection of consumerism, politics and traditional social order and the anger felt by disaffected youth, tramps and outsiders in general. On the other, they added some interesting innovations. Their rhythm section consisted of a cheap drum machine, which became an essential and arguably endearing part of their sound. The frequent use of a saxophone as of the mid-eighties also set them apart from most other punk rock bands.
They would regularly appear on record sleeves and on stage wearing clown outfits, mock police uniforms or pig masks. Their shows were a unique and highly festive cross between a punk rock concert, a grotesque circus and an anarchist rally.
By 1985, the band had grown to include François Guillemot (vocals), Loran (guitar), Pascal kung fu (saxophone), Helno (backing vocals), Laul aka Bol (backing vocals), la grande Titi (backing vocals), la petite Titi (backing vocals).
By 1987: François Guillemot (vocals), Loran (guitar), Masto (saxophone), Helno (backing vocals), Laul aka Bol (backing vocals), la grande Titi (backing vocals), la petite Titi (backing vocals).
By 1989: François Guillemot (vocals), Loran (guitar), Masto (saxophone), la petite Titi (backing vocals), Jojo (fire breather and backing vocals).
The band refused to make a profit and also to work. As a result, they lived precariously. In 1989, after three farewell concerts at the Paris Olympia, they disbanded. François later formed Molodoï and "François Béru et les Anges Déchus", Loran formed Ze6, Tromatism and later A.D. (Division de la horde).
On December 4, 2003, they reunited for the release of a DVD documenting their career. The concert took place in the context of the Transmusicales in Rennes. They have since played other concerts, in Quebec and in Belgium.
Róbrege 1987
1000000 Bułgarów
Kaman & Big Bit
Stan Zvezda
Va Bank (ZSRR)
Space i Przyjaciele
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Cro Mags - Baltimore 13.2.87
Before the Cro-Mags, the idea of combining metal and hardcore together was unheard of. But with the release of their classic debut, The Age Of Quarrel, hardcore-metal was born, and in its wake came a legion of similarly styled offspring (Biohazard, Vision Of Disorder, etc.). Although the group endured an endless amount of lineup shifts (which is probably the main reason they never became as well known as they should have), the Cro-Mags continued to record and tour in one form or another. Through it all, the New York City-based group's leader has been bassist Harley Flanagan who, in 1977 at the ripe old age of ten (!), started his first punk band during a European trip. Upon returning to NYC, Flanagan supplied drums for The Stimulators, a band that performed quite a bit locally and in Washington, D.C., alongside Bad Brains. The early '80s saw the initial Cro-Mags lineups formed with a variety of members playing alongside the only constant: Flanagan. By the middle of the decade, the best-known Cro-Mags lineup was in place -- Flanagan on bass, former Bad Brains roadie John Joseph on vocals, Parris Mayhew on guitar, and Mackie Jayson on drums -- and soon built a rabid following via shows at CBGB's. The quartet recorded a 13-track demo that made the rounds throughout the underground -- eventually officially released in 2000, as Before the Quarrel -- and landing the Cro-Mags a record deal with Profile's Rock Hotel label (with second guitarist Doug Holland joining, as well). Similar to how Bad Brains aligned themselves with Rastafarianism, it was around this time that members of the band became closely associated with the Hare Krishna faith. With a loud buzz forming, the Cro-Mags issued their aforementioned debut, The Age Of Quarrel, in 1986. With such bands as Slayer and Metallica becoming increasingly popular, it seemed like the musical tides were changing in favor of groups like the Cro-Mags, as nationwide tours with such groups as Motörhead and Megadeth expanded their audience. But it wasn't meant to be, as both Joseph and jayson exited the group after its supporting tour (the latter of which would later turn up in the Bad Brains and the Fun Lovin' Criminals). Instead of following up their debut right away, it wasn't until 1989 that Best Wishes was released, which saw Flanagan double as lead vocalist. With increasing troubles with their label, mayhew left the group, but by the early '90s, the Cro-Mags were up and running once more, as Flanagan and Joseph resuscitated the band with a pair of albums for the Century Media label -- 1992's Alpha Omega and 1993's Near Death Experience. However, after the release of a double-live album, Hard Times In An Age Of Quarrel (Disc 1), the Cro-Mags split up. Since then, various versions of the Cro-Mags have recorded and toured (including a brief reunion of Flanagan and mayhew which resulted in 2000s Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge). Flanagan eventually returned with a new band, Harley's War (which included ex-Suicidal Tendencies guitarist Rocky George); who issued their debut in 2003, titled Cro-Mag. ~ Greg Prato, Rovi
Corrosion of Conformity - Richmond V.A. 1983
czwartek, 4 października 2012
D.R.I. - The Ritz Austin Texas 16.10.84
Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (also known as D.R.I.) are a United States crossover thrash band that formed in Houston, Texas, in 1982. The band currently comprises founding members, vocalist Kurt Brecht and guitarist Spike Cassidy, as well as drummer Rob Rampy and bassist Harald Oimoen. D.R.I. never gained a mainstream audience, but the integration of their hardcore punk roots with thrash metal influences was a stylistic catalyst for their contemporaries—most notably Suicidal Tendencies, Corrosion Of Conformity, and S.O.D.—alongside whom they are considered pioneers of what would later be called "crossover thrash." This subgenre was also coined from their 1987 album Crossover. To date, D.R.I. have released seven original studio albums, of which the last was released in 1995. Since then, the band has continued touring and intermittently going on hiatus. In 2004, D.R.I. released a web-only demo track "Against Me", their first recording in a decade. For years, there has been talk of an eighth D.R.I. album, which has yet to materialize.
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środa, 3 października 2012
D.I. - Fender's L.A. 19.4.86
Coming out of the streets of Fullerton California, DI was formed in the shadows of The Adolescents back in 1983 in a studio behind a pawn shop. The Adolescents, Social Distortion, Agent Orange and several other local early punk rock pioneers were the breeding ground from which DI was born. DI branded their own form of punk rock that complemented the Orange County Punk scene in sound and attitude. DI was thrown to the forefront after the band performed "Richard Hung Himself" with the original line up that recorded the bands first EP in the 1984 movie, "Suburbia", directed by Penelope Spheeris who's previous production was "Decline of Western Civilization." When the band went through a line up change after the first EP titled Team Goon, members of emerging Fullerton band Almost 21 became the backbone for the sound that DI is known for today. During that line up change, front man Casey Royer known for his cutting and outrageous social commentary through humor is joined by Rikk Agnew of The Adolescents on guitar. Rikk brought to DI a handful of songs written in previous years, such as "Falling Out" and "OC Life" which were featured on Rikk Agnew's solo album, "All By Myself" and were made wildly popular though Casey Royer's style and personality. Over the many years that DI has been on the scene, the band has went though a lot of line up changes that has made DI a very incestuous family of players. Most of the former and present members were all part of the Fullerton and north Orange County Punk scene which proved to be the key ingredient to keeping the personality that makes DI what it is. DI has toured extensively throughout North America and Europe, and everywhere they performed DI left the audience not wanting the show to be over. The current line, which many have stated could very well be the hardest hitting and most cohesive line up ever, made up of Casey Royer on vocals, brothers Eddie and Joey Tatar as the rhythm unit of bass and drums, Chickenhead on rhythm guitar and brought together by lead guitarist Clinton Calton.
DI is proud to bring you the band’s 8th release, “On The Western Front”.
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wtorek, 2 października 2012
108 - April 27, 2009 The Talking Head Club Baltimore, MD
"Direct Expression. Bypass mind. Bypass intellect. Self to Sound. Against the dead trend. The robot me. The modern social entity stripped of color and vibrancy. Not philosophy. Not religion. True self expressed in sound."
Simply put, 108 has meant a lot of things to a lot of people over the past 16 years, but the initial announcement of the band’s arrival on the punk scene in the fall of 1992 remains the most apt description of its guiding spirit. In the 4 years following its formation, 108 constantly toured the US and Europe, releasing 3 extremely popular studio LP's, an EP, a live LP, and various songs on different compilations. When the guitar player decided to intensify his studies in Hinduism in 1996, 108 disbanded.
Fast forward to the summer of 2005 when 108 was asked to play a set at a popular US festival. In preparation for this event, the group holed up in a practice studio during the week of the show and found that there was still a natural spark between them and that their old songs had taken on a new life. Two days prior to the show the festival was canceled. Within 24 hours, however, 2 shows were put together in Philadelphia. It was at these shows that the excitement of the crowds fueled the spark the band felt in reuniting and prompted the arrangement of a 7-show tour, on the East and West Coasts, in the spring of 2006.
The passion and energy they felt earlier was further nurtured when playing these next 7 shows, which confirmed 108’s desire to continue playing and composing again. Over the summer, the band saw the release of Creation. Sustenance. Destruction., a 36-song discography on Equal Vision Records documenting their original output of music, followed by 4 more shows across the US and a quick 10 day, 10-show tour of Europe covering 6 countries. During this period, they began writing new music, and it became clear that the best was yet to come.
The heaviness and intensity of 108’s music, fused with the band’s spiritual, political, ethical, emotional, and intellectual underpinnings, is an unlikely marriage but one that produces a powerful synthesis in the world of heavy music. The new songs which will appear on the bands new LP typify this synthesis, with lyrics that speak to our soul-destroying world:
"Lose our minds, one day at a time when pain is all we see. Void humanity with stories at 11, monetary interests (define the) bottom line. Lose our soul, one verse at a time when words overcome feeling. Not a lack of this nor a lack of that, it's just our kind. Is this what I wanted to be? I'm dying for something I never wanted to be." (from “Our Kind”)
No one can deny that fake fashion posturing and lifeless clone music are on the verge of killing heavy music. Revolted by these trends, those who followed 108, even those who thought they had outgrown the genre, are responding to the band’s psychedelic noise infusion, brutal riffage, and incisive lyrics with enthusiasm and profound relief. Those who never experienced the band before have been given access to a band that changes their perception of what a punk band can be. On an undeniable rampage, 108 is shocking listeners back to consciousness and getting them thinking again, feeling again, and banging their heads in defiance at the near-death of heavy music with a message.
In February 2007 the band recorded their new album, "A New Beat From A Dead Heart", with Kurt Ballou at Godcity Studios (Converge), to be released on Deathwish in June 2007. In support of this new album, 108 also plans to tour and play shows through the US, Europe, Japan and South America in 2007.
In February of 2009 108 flew into Boston, MA for a weekend to record what was originally slated to be a new 4 song EP but by Sunday afternoons departure had turned into a 10 song LP entitled 18.61. From the inception of this recording session there was a desire to record a raw and stripped down record and once in the studio things developed so quickly that it was clear that recording just an EP was out of the question thus the new LP was born. The recording was engineer by Alex Garcia-Rivera (ex-Give Up The Ghost) and features Mike Justian (Trap Them, Unearth) on drums. 18.61 is slated for release on Deathwish Inc. later in 2009.
Copied from official myspace (
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niedziela, 30 września 2012
Crash and Burn- Documentary
Documentary about the infamous Canadian club. Feat: DEAD BOYS, DIODES, TEENAGE HEAD, (filmed in B/W)
piątek, 28 września 2012
czwartek, 27 września 2012
Coke Bust - Philadelphia 16.8.09
Coke Bust is a straight edge hardcore band from Washington, DC. They started in 2006 and have since gone on a bunch of tours, put out a demo 7", an 7" EP called 'Fuck Bar Culture' on thirdxparty records, an LP on Six Weeks Records called, "Lines in the Sand" and most recently, another 7" EP called "Degradation" on Refuse Records.
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środa, 26 września 2012
Combat 84 - 40 Minutes UK TV 1982
Combat 84's first line up was Jim on guitar, John Depford on bass, Chubby Chris on vocals, and Brownie behind the kit. Their first gig was at Walmer Castle in Peckham in South East London. The two main members of the group had pretty polar opposite views. Chubby was nigh on racism and Depford John was far from racist. There was a riot at one of their gigs on the Arena TV show in '82. The band sort of called it a day a while after. Chubby went on to follow Chelsea in the firm. There was a short comeback attempt just after 2000 and they released a small bit of material and played some gigs. This lineup was without Chubby, who now lives in Thailand and owns a British pub there called 'The Dog's Bollocks'. A litle vague but at least it's about the right band not condemned 84!!!
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wtorek, 25 września 2012
Cro Mags - NYC 22.11.86
Before the Cro-Mags, the idea of combining metal and hardcore together was unheard of. But with the release of their classic debut, The Age Of Quarrel, hardcore-metal was born, and in its wake came a legion of similarly styled offspring (Biohazard, Vision Of Disorder, etc.). Although the group endured an endless amount of lineup shifts (which is probably the main reason they never became as well known as they should have), the Cro-Mags continued to record and tour in one form or another. Through it all, the New York City-based group's leader has been bassist Harley Flanagan who, in 1977 at the ripe old age of ten (!), started his first punk band during a European trip. Upon returning to NYC, Flanagan supplied drums for The Stimulators, a band that performed quite a bit locally and in Washington, D.C., alongside Bad Brains. The early '80s saw the initial Cro-Mags lineups formed with a variety of members playing alongside the only constant: Flanagan. By the middle of the decade, the best-known Cro-Mags lineup was in place -- Flanagan on bass, former Bad Brains roadie John Joseph on vocals, Parris Mayhew on guitar, and Mackie Jayson on drums -- and soon built a rabid following via shows at CBGB's. The quartet recorded a 13-track demo that made the rounds throughout the underground -- eventually officially released in 2000, as Before the Quarrel -- and landing the Cro-Mags a record deal with Profile's Rock Hotel label (with second guitarist Doug Holland joining, as well). Similar to how Bad Brains aligned themselves with Rastafarianism, it was around this time that members of the band became closely associated with the Hare Krishna faith. With a loud buzz forming, the Cro-Mags issued their aforementioned debut, The Age Of Quarrel, in 1986. With such bands as Slayer and Metallica becoming increasingly popular, it seemed like the musical tides were changing in favor of groups like the Cro-Mags, as nationwide tours with such groups as Motörhead and Megadeth expanded their audience. But it wasn't meant to be, as both Joseph and jayson exited the group after its supporting tour (the latter of which would later turn up in the Bad Brains and the Fun Lovin' Criminals). Instead of following up their debut right away, it wasn't until 1989 that Best Wishes was released, which saw Flanagan double as lead vocalist. With increasing troubles with their label, mayhew left the group, but by the early '90s, the Cro-Mags were up and running once more, as Flanagan and Joseph resuscitated the band with a pair of albums for the Century Media label -- 1992's Alpha Omega and 1993's Near Death Experience. However, after the release of a double-live album, Hard Times In An Age Of Quarrel (Disc 1), the Cro-Mags split up. Since then, various versions of the Cro-Mags have recorded and toured (including a brief reunion of Flanagan and mayhew which resulted in 2000s Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge). Flanagan eventually returned with a new band, Harley's War (which included ex-Suicidal Tendencies guitarist Rocky George); who issued their debut in 2003, titled Cro-Mag. ~ Greg Prato, Rovi
niedziela, 23 września 2012
Crumbsuckers - L'Amours Brooklyn 22.8.86
Like New York City contemporaries such as Agnostic Front and the Cro-Mags, the Crumbsuckers were one of the original purveyors of 1980s crossover: the bridging of metal and hardcore that temporarily united the two divergent tribes of metalheads and punks into one bloody unified mosh pit. Getting their start in 1983, the band were soon an integral part of New York's Lower East Side-based hardcore scene, cutting their teeth at the legendary dive A7 before moving on to CBGB's famed Sunday matinees, as they and the movement gained strength. Come 1986, the Crumbsuckers consisted of vocalist Chris Notaro (ex-Krackdown), guitarists Dave Wynn and Chuck Lenihan, bassist Gary Meskil, and drummer Dan Richardson, and delivered their Life of Dreams debut into a peaking crossover craze. A strong if rather conventional example of the genre, Life of Dreams featured a wall of razor-sharp thrash guitars, manic drum work, and punk-grown social and political criticism, culminating in the standout "Super Tuesday," which criticizes the 1984 presidential election. Unfortunately, the Crumbsuckers would soon fall afoul of their fans (as did Agnostic Front around the same time) by delving too deeply in heavy metal with their 1988 sophomore release Beast on My Back (aka "B.O.M.B."), featuring shred-happy new guitarist Robert Koebler. This effort, with its longer songs and blatant metallic overkill, wound up alienating most of their longtime hardcore followers and the band was frankly dead on arrival by the time they hit the road with yet another new guitarist in former Carnivore Marc Piovanetti. In the end, even more than their hit-and-miss albums, the Crumbsuckers' lasting legacy may well have been the numerous bands which later sprung up from their ruin. Meskil and Richardson went on to found post-hardcore metallers Pro-Pain, and the latter eventually also did time with Life of Agony and Stereomud, while LENIHAN landed with S&M crew the Genitorturers a few years later. ~ Eduardo Rivadavia, Rovi
sobota, 22 września 2012
D.R.I. - Schenectady Legion N.C. 19.11.86
Dirty Rotten Imbeciles (also known as D.R.I.) are a United States crossover thrash band that formed in Houston, Texas, in 1982. The band currently comprises founding members, vocalist Kurt Brecht and guitarist Spike Cassidy, as well as drummer Rob Rampy and bassist Harald Oimoen. D.R.I. never gained a mainstream audience, but the integration of their hardcore punk roots with thrash metal influences was a stylistic catalyst for their contemporaries—most notably Suicidal Tendencies, Corrosion Of Conformity, and S.O.D.—alongside whom they are considered pioneers of what would later be called "crossover thrash." This subgenre was also coined from their 1987 album Crossover. To date, D.R.I. have released seven original studio albums, of which the last was released in 1995. Since then, the band has continued touring and intermittently going on hiatus. In 2004, D.R.I. released a web-only demo track "Against Me", their first recording in a decade. For years, there has been talk of an eighth D.R.I. album, which has yet to materialize.
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piątek, 21 września 2012
Corrosion of Conformity - CBGBs 5.87
One of the first punk-metal fusion bands, Corrosion Of Conformity (Corrosion Of Conformity for short) were formed in North Carolina by guitarist Weatherman during the early '80s. In their early years, Corrosion Of Conformity became known for their aggressive sound, intelligent political lyrics, and willingness to break away from both hardcore and metal conventions. In the '90s, their shift to a more stripped-down, deliberate sound -- sort of Black Sabbath filtered through the Deep South -- brought them enough in line with the alternative metal Zeitgeist to bring them a measure of mainstream popularity.
Conflict - Newcastle Riverside 15.11.01
In 1983 Steve Ignorant, at the time a member of the band Crass, guested on the band's pro-animal rights single "To A Nation of Animal Lovers." After the dissolution of Crass, Ignorant later became second vocalist for Conflict on a semi-permanent basis. This followed a 1986 gig in Brixton, London wherin he had joined the band on stage for a few numbers.
The band have always been outspoken regarding issues such as anarchism, animal rights, the anti-war movement and in their support for the organisation Class War, and a number of their gigs during the 1980s were followed by riots and disturbances. The band's 'Mortarhate' logo, originally designed by 'Nihilistic Nobody' is commonly mistaken as a reference to the initials CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), but as quoted directly by paco the drummer for conflict is in actual fact a nihlist symbol. it incorporates two 'A's for anarchy and autonomy, and an 'N' for nihilism. The logo originally appeared around 1980 in Thanatos, a small circulation pamphlet produced by Toxic Graffity (sic) fanzine editor Mike Diboll.
The band continues to exist today, although their record releases and live performances are sporadic.
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środa, 19 września 2012
Infekcja - Warszawa ''GALERIA OFF'' 04.04.03
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Code of Honor - S.F. Cable TV 1983
Along with other early melodic punk bands JFA, Minor Threat and The Big Boys, San Francisco's Code of Honor is considered to be one of the founders of a movement dubbed skate punk. Code of Honor played cynical and political hardcore punk with frantic energy. In the summer of 1979, Code of Honor guitarist Michael D. Fox and Steve Tupper founded Subterranean Records as a vehicle to document the rabidly growing San Francisco punk scene. The label went on to release classic underground recordings by proto-grunge band Flipper as well as the Dead Kennedys, Chrome, Helios Creed and many others.
Lead singer Johnithin Christ passed away on March 5, 2009 due to complications of pneumonia. He had successfully survived a brain tumor but the chemotherapy and steroids depleted his immune system.
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wtorek, 18 września 2012
Confuse - Live at State 9th
Confuse was a Japanese hardcore punk band that started in Kyushu, Japan. They released a few records (Indignation tape, Nuclear Addicts flexi, Jisatsu Omnibus 8'' comp, Contempt For The Authority And Take Off The Lie, Atrocious madness, Stupid Life in that order) throughout the time they were around. They started off with a really raw noisey type of sound, and then evolved into a bouncier, more melodic sound. People tend to favor their old sound over the new one. Confuse are currently the most bootlegged Japanese band there is, and there have been multiple reissues and bootlegs of their material. Confuse also have a video called Live At State 9th, where they played live at State 9th University in Japan. Confuse are no longer around, but were around for most of the early 80's, all the way up to 1989 where they released Stupid Life, which was the poppiest, bounciest album they've released. After this they broke up. Confuse were apparently associated with bands like GAI and possibly Gauze and G.A.S.. Lyrics to their songs can be found if you look hard enough. The lyrics to the songs are really just extremely garbled English [i.e.: "In your room, loves spread, in the fiction days you lie! In your room, loves spread, in the every night, you're a fucker!" (lyrics to "Fuckin' Lovers" off the Contempt 7")]. All in all, Confuse were a great band with lots of energy that seem to go often unnoticed even with being the biggest bootlegged Japanese band there is.
After Confuse broke up, some band members continued to play in bands: the lead singer is, allegedly, in a folk band now. The last Confuse bassist (Stupid Life 12") was in Eevee. Passy (the bass player on "Nuclear Addicts") is in a band called High Societys. Moreover, there's rumours of ex-members of Confuse still showing up at Kyushu-area gigs decked out in the finest NYHC jogging suits & $200-dollar high-top basketball shoes.
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Civil Dissident - Helter Skelter Club, St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia 15.6.84
In the early 80's, Civil Dissident started in Melbourne, on the East Coast of Australia. Civil Dissident and their friends Mad Flowers and Society's Victim started jamming around 1982, and after line-up changes between the three bands (Tracey and Dave leaving Mad Flowers for Civil Dissident and Grant and Andrew leaving Civil Dissident for Mad Flowers), the Civil Dissident line-up was finalised with: Tracey on bass, Wayne on guitar, Dave on drums and Mat on vocals. This line-up would last until the end of Civil Dissident at their last show on the 20th of April, 1985.
Their influences, from Discharge to Terveet Kädet, from Depression to Raw Power, from Minor Threat to The Stalin and so forth, came through on all their releases. While the above bands were an influence, Civil Dissident still retained a destinct Australian flavour, from their first demo in 1984, up to their tracks on Pusmort's Cleanse the Bacteria compilation and beyond. After a self-financed record and two tapes (Stone the Flamin' Crows was put out by the drummer), plus a string of cuts on international compilations, Civil Dissident called it a day. Every song was to the point, energetic, hardcore punk rock with a straightforward personal/political approach. Civil Dissident were a prime example of how Australian bands could very much hold their own in the world of Hardcore.
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Citizens Arrest - Knitting Factory, Brooklyn NYC 17.12.10
CITIZENS ARREST was a Hardcore band from New York that existed during the late 80's / early 1990's. The band members all met and grew up in the old NYHC CBGBS scene eventually ending up as a band on the lower east side at Abc No Rio. We played tons of shows, kicked ass, recorded a demo, 7" ep and a full length album. Unfortunately right before the release of this album the band split up for good due to musical differences but the legend of CXA remains. Members of Citizens Arrest went on to other bands like Taste of Fear, , One Sided War, Funebrarum, Forced Expression, Hell No, Moses etc.... KEEP HARDCORE PUNK ALIVE!
Posty (Atom)